by Kerry Simmons | Feb 3, 2016 | DOT, Industry News, Safety Compliance
ELD Mandate Part 1: The WHO and the WHAT Posted by Jeff Swan on Wed, Feb 03,2016 @ 07:30 AM ELD Mandate Part 1: WHO and WHAT. HNI has offered some good clear answers. Most of the affected transportation stakeholders have by now at least heard of the FMCSA’s new...
by Kerry Simmons | Jan 22, 2016 | DOT, Industry News, Regulatory Compliance
Are you ready for a change: e-logs set to become ELDs? There are some major differences to the ABORDS we are currently using. There is bound to be some confusion about E-logs, AOBRDs and ELDs. Here is a run down from CCJ’s Aaron Huff In March, 2014, the...